My name is Aaron Tryness. I created Crude Crypto to serve as a portfolio which allows me to share the projects I have created.
ACA certification is an industry-recognized credential that effectively validates one’s skills in Adobe digital-media software. I'm an Adobe Certified Associate in...
Graphic Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator software is the industry’s premier vector-drawing environment for creating scalable graphics. Digital media gurus bring their unique vision to life with shapes, color, effects, and typography by using a host of powerful functions to make fast work of their most complex designs.
Visual Design Using Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is the industry-standard image editing software, used worldwide by professional photographers, amateur photographers, and designers who want to perfect their digital images by going beyond what is captured by the camera.
Web Authoring Using Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Dreamweaver software is the industry standard for creating and editing compelling HTML rich media websites and mobile apps. Through the use of Fluid Grid Layout, designers construct complex web designs with adaptive layouts for a whole new level of cross-platform compatibility.